Thursday, December 4, 2008

feelings about myspace things

Well like I said yesterday; All those people should get some kind of sentance. And I think that because they all did something very wrong. If I was those people I would even never started chatting online because I'm not that kind of person that likes to chat. And if I was the judge for that case I would make sure that they get a nice long sentance.  All those people are using the internet like abuse. Just waiting to get some one on there hook.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I think all of those people should get some kind of fine. Because all of them did something very unethical. And some people are abusing the internet for there own ''NASTY'' uses. And it actually seems that our generation just doesn't under stand. I personally think that what you read were perfect examples of how people are abusing and doing unethical things on the internet.

expectations for our essay

Today our expectations for our essays are to decorate it. Witch in this case means to add pictures that are relevant and also ad background colors.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008