Thursday, October 9, 2008


Design cycle
Carlos Lopez

1.Investigate 2. Plan 3. Create and 4. Evaluate

The design cycle is like this because without these steps you would be lost and confused. Without create first you wouldn't be able to evaluate. And also because it's the appropriate way to do it. This is why it is in the order that it is supposed to.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Carlos Lopez,

I know a lot of people that have dignity but the one person that has the most is my step~sister. I picked her because she has the most dignity of anyone I know. I picked her because a lot of times she has displayed it. Like she lives in California and onetime she was gona come but her flight got delayed and they gave her 50% of if she want's to go back to California but she said no because of her awesome (DIGNITY)!!!!!!! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I evaluated Victor's, Alic's, Britaney's, and Christopher's. I really liked everyone's but I liked Victor Moreno's the best. I liked his the best because to me it looked like the most interesting and the most awesome.